Joel Burgess5 Steps to FlowIf you’re feeling the impact of a slow summer or like you’re caught in a trough of the wave, this email is for you.Sep 13Sep 13
Joel BurgessAre you a Coach Trying to Find a NICHE? You Need to Watch ThisI just shot a new video…Jul 25Jul 25
Joel BurgessHow to Build Discipline with Forcing FunctionsI just shot a video on how I went from overweight, lazy and someone who lacked any form of discipline, to someone who is in the best shape…Jul 15Jul 15
Joel BurgessMy 5 Biggest Lessons from 12-weeks of ImprovI recently completed a 12-week improv course with Liz Peters, and not only was it a ‘right-ol-hoot’, it’s already greatly impacted my…Jul 5Jul 5
Joel BurgessIt’s Simpler Than You ThinkBuilding a coaching business is simpler than you think.Jun 28Jun 28
Joel BurgessRead This Before Hiring A Social Media AgencyIf your coaching business isn’t growing, you’re probably focusing on the wrong things. Most likely, you’re focusing on projects instead of…Jun 20Jun 20
Joel Burgess5 Ways Improv Will Improve Your CoachLast week, we held our second in-person coaching intensive for the ECC, and it was truly epic! The feedback has been phenomenal, and I want…Jun 13Jun 13
Joel BurgessInfluence Through CourageMost coaches I meet are obsessed with finding the perfect marketing strategy or hack that will take their business to the next level.May 29May 29
Joel BurgessZero F*cks GivenI turned 38 on the weekend, and if there is one thing I’m learning, it’s the less I care what others think of me — the better life and…May 23May 23