It’s Simpler Than You Think
Building a coaching business is simpler than you think.
And I’d bet a lot of money it’s simpler than you’re making it.
Trust me, I’ve been there. When I first started, I over complicated everything. But over the last few years, after growing two coaching offers to $30k months in just 12 months, I’ve learned a powerful lesson: the simpler I make it and the less I do, the faster my business grows (and the more fun it all is).
Here are some basic truths that have guided my journey:
Truth 1: Coaching is a Relationship Business
With the rise of social media marketing, it’s very easy to forget this. Social media has given us a false sense of connection. It’s created an illusion.
But you cannot build connection on social media; you can only build awareness.
Connection only happens when there is a conversation.
So the only question you need to ask yourself every week is, “How many conversations am I going to have this week?”
Human-to-human. No strategy. Just conversations to connect, build rapport, and relatability. No coaching contract has been created outside of a relationship.
Truth 2: People Pay for the Possibility of Change
I once made my fee all about me.
If someone said no to working with me, they were saying no to me. I took it personally. Wrapped up in my price were all kinds of stories around worth and doubt.
But you don’t hold the value of coaching. Your client does. The power of coaching does. The possibility of change does.
So our role in sales is to enrol our clients into the possibility of change. Share a price relative to the value of that change. Guide them to the best decision for them. Then get out of the way.
Truth 3: Sales is a Transfer of Conviction
There are far too many coaches out there trying to sell high-fee coaching, but they haven’t actually bought into high-fee coaching fully yet.
So when prospects say they can’t afford them, they subconsciously agree. Because they themselves haven’t committed that kind of money to getting a coach.
There is no conviction.
When you invest in high-fee coaching, you’ll see the power of investing large amounts of money in yourself. Suddenly you’ll start taking yourself way more seriously. You’ll raise your standards, quit the excuses, and take way more action.
The only job of the price is to draw out commitment in your client.
I’m constantly stretching myself financially to work with the best, which is why I rarely hear people say they can’t afford me. I am fully enrolled into the power of high-fee coaching, and my prospects feel that.
Have you fully bought into high-fee coaching yet? Or are you just saying you have?
Truth 4: The Easiest Way to Sell Coaching is to Live the Transformation of Coaching
Marketing is easy.
Become what you teach.
That’s it.
Because, as above, people buy the possibility of change. So your job in marketing is to awaken your audience to the possibility of change in the way you live.
Become a beacon for possibility.
Every day, it’s my goal to live as an inspiration. To be enrolment. Not to make money. Not to get clients. Because I know you reap what you sow.
ALL your business problems can be solved by creating value and being of service. None of this is about you. It’s ALL about them.
Have you dedicated your life to service? When you do, you’ll quit the excuses, the self-doubt, and fully commit to serving.
If you’re ready to fully commit and want to see how simple and fun it can be to grow your coaching business to six and multi-six-figure months, join me on Thursday and Friday at 11am for my 2-day workshop, “6-Figure Profit Pathway”.
I’m going to share the exact playbook, systems, and mindset you need to effortlessly grow your coaching business to six figures and beyond.
You’ll be amazed at how simple it can all be.
Note: This is not for anyone who NEEDS to make quick money. This is not for anyone who isn’t 100% convinced that coaching is their calling. This is only for the heart-led coach who is all in, fully dedicated to service, and is in no rush.
> Click here to sign up for £100 <
(If you can’t make it live I will send you the recording. And if you don’t like it, I will refund you every penny — no questions asked.)
Any questions let me know.
Big love,