My 5 Biggest Lessons from 12-weeks of Improv
I recently completed a 12-week improv course with Liz Peters, and not only was it a ‘right-ol-hoot’, it’s already greatly impacted my coaching and business.
Here are my five biggest takeaways…
1. Embrace “Yes And”
The foundation of improv is the “Yes And” principle. It’s about accepting what’s offered AND building on it. What follows in improv is taking a seemingly dull scene to aliens singing kumbaya whilst picking strawberries.
In contrast, “Yes But” tends to shut down creativity.
Bring it into your life: Notice your default responses. Are you quick to block and resist? Try opening up and embracing circumstances with a “Yes And” mindset. It fosters a creative mindset..
2. Letting Go
In improv, just like in coaching, you need to be totally ok with not knowing where the hell the scene/session is going.
The magic happens in the unknown, so with both improv and coaching it’s your goal to stay present, open and connected to your intuition.
Bring it into your life: Next time you coach, embrace having no plan. As soon as you find yourself predicting or thinking what’s next, let it go, come back to your breath and let your instincts guide you.
3. Commit to Action
In improv, committing to a choice — any choice — moves the scene forward. Similarly, business rewards those who are bold and decisive.
Bring it into your life: Next time you’re faced with a decision, be bold, make a choice and go all in. Full commitment makes everything easier.
4. Play
Playfulness is a powerful tool. It reduces stress and opens up creativity.
Bring it into your life: Allow yourself moments of play and spontaneity. Sing in the shower, dance around your living room, or embody a playful character in your tasks. This lightness will shift your perspective, enhance your well-being and boost your creativity.
5. Embody the Change
The easiest way to get unstuck in improv, is make a move, a physical move. Our minds follow our bodies. As the quote goes,
“It’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than it is to think our way into a new way of acting.”
It’s why I dance every day. A supply body = a supple mind.
Bring it into your life: If you want to feel confident, adopt a powerful posture. If you need to relax, slow your movements and breathe deeply. Simple physical changes can have a profound impact on your mindset and performance.
Give these a try this week and notice the shifts they bring. Improv has taught me that we are naturally creative, capable of lightness and play, and the less I care what others think, the better life gets.
And if you’ve ever thought about doing an improv course… do it. It’ll make you a better and happier human, plus a far more creative and powerful coach.
Big love,
P.s. I’m soon going to be looking for a handful of coaches that want to DOUBLE their H1 earnings in the second half of 2024.
So if you’re a coach ready for a quantum leap in your life and business, and a desire to work with me 1–2–1… then message me the word WAITLIST, and I’ll make sure you’re the first to know.
Note these will be the first 1–2–1 spots I’ve had available for 4 months, and likely the last for the year.